There are many people today who have been adversely affected by the events in this world.  I awakened this am thinking of all the people who are on the verge of giving up or giving in due the pressures and cares of daily living.  I want to encourage you today, BE STRONG and let us go on by faith.  Today, let us walk by faith and not by sight.  We might not be able to see where we are headed; and when we can’t trace God’s hand; we can trust HIS heart.  

We can choose today to be overcomers or overcome; a victim or victorious.  The word of God declares we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.  We are loved by the Father regardless of whether we love him or not.  The life given to us is a precious gift.  Eph 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God. 

Faith says:  Let us go on.  Unbelief says let us go back to where it is safe.  When Moses sent the spies into the promise land to check out the land and bring back a report; two reports came back, one of faith and one of unbelief.  Joshua and Caleb stated to the people we are more than able to defeat the enemy and take the land, let us go up at once.  The other 10 men said we are not able.  What a contrast of faith vs. unbelief.  

It’s amazing how God can use the personalities of ordinary people to teach us some very simple principles.  Joshua and Caleb were men of faith.  They had faith and believed God.  God honored them.  And because of their belief they entered the promise land. 

God hasn’t changed, and the principle of faith hasn’t changed. What seems to have changed is the attitude of God’s people: We no longer believe God and act by faith in His promises. His promises never fail but we can fail to live by the grace of God and not enter into all that He has promised for us.  God has “brought us out that He might bring us in,” but too often we fail to “enter in because of unbelief”

“Have Faith in God”  God Loves you and so do I….. Pastor Tammy

Pastor, Mentor, Spiritual Counselor, Conference Speaker and Bible Teacher. Founder of New Destiny Global Ministry and Sister to Sister Global Ministry. Our top priority is to help individuals establish and develop a personal relationship with Christ. It is our desire to connect with brothers and sisters in every city, state, and the nations. It is a privilege to connect with you, through prayer, worship and in sharing the awesome Word of God. We are here to encourage, inspire and challenge you to become all that God has destined for your life. This is a praying ministry. We have a heart of compassion for people from all walks of life and especially for those who are hurting. Our purpose is to maintain the same values as that of OUR FATHER, and be a living example of his love and grace to all mankind. We are not into religion, but we do believe in relationships. It’s not about us but it’s about Jesus.

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