by | Apr 29, 2010 | Personal Development
notes from Janey . . . I didn’t grow up in an overly demonstrative family. I don’t remember my parents ever saying to me, “I love you.” But the thing is, I never doubted their love for me. They didn’t have to say it. Instead, they showed me on a daily basis how much I... by Paul Mracek | Apr 6, 2010 | Uncategorized
Warrior Manager – Free Tele-Seminar April 20, 2010 Over the last few months I have been working with “The Institute For Human Potential” (IFHP) in developing the Warrior Manager program. The reason for the collaboration is to provide to you both knowledge and... by | Apr 6, 2010 | Personal Development
notes from Janey . . . A car passed us one day while Tupelo and I were driving across the southeastern desert of the U.S. in our motorhome, Bailey. As it zoomed by I caught a glimpse of the bumper sticker on its tail end. “Celebrate Diversity,” it read. “Ooh, I like...