by | Jan 31, 2011 | self improvement
Asian make up courses has become the latest boom with not just with Asian women but also with the western ladies. Just go to google search tool and see how many people are looking for makeup artist, you be astonished. In today’s society when ladies go out to... by | Jan 31, 2011 | Personal Development
Overcome shyness: There are many people who suffer from shyness and are unable to represent themselves fully in front of others. Shyness can bring problems in personal and professional life in Mumbai where it is necessary to interact and exhibit you feelings and... by | Jan 30, 2011 | self improvement
In life, we all have something dreams of a better life… of a life where things are exactly how we want them. Whether it’s our finances, our family, our health, our contribution to society, or all of the above… we all have a dream of how our life... by | Jan 30, 2011 | self improvement
Do you have trouble letting go of past mistakes? We have all experienced being stuck in a rut, even when we are doing all the right activities to let go and move ahead? What is the “stuff” that keeps us stuck in a rut? Where do we begin letting go? Jim... by | Jan 29, 2011 | Personal Development
The words personal development, self development and self improvement, all one and the same, have been bandied about for decades. Best sellers have been written and bought and have given some people the boost that they needed to change their life. Yet many have...