1. Excellence is a habit.
Every session, everyday was a reinforcement of the basics of success.
Excellence is not a flash-in-the-pan (although in the kitchen it pretty much was!) but a continuous, upward spiral towards all that you can be.
2. Friends are family.
I treasure them even today and cannot thank them enough for making me a part of their lives. Some of them went thru a lot to teach to me the value of loyalty, respect and blind faith.
3. You cant learn everything & you cant prepare for everything, but you can try.
School is meant to give you a flavour of the real world. If the real world was so easy to replicate and taught, what would that say about the real world?
What you can do though, is to prepare yourself from the knowledge of the people who came before you.
Practice in training and it isn’t difficult to walk in and conquer the real world.
4. Have a point of view, have an opinion.
The earlier in life you start the better you get at it.
The process of creating a point of view, accepting and announcing it as yours, and then defending it will create the necessary reasoning required to be successful.
It don’t matter what your point of view is, learn to develop one.
5. Have a role model.
There is tremendous benefit in looking up to someone and aspiring to be like them. You will learn more good things than bad, but some of the bad ones will only do you good as you will learn to identify them and remove them from your persona.
The role model may also be influenced to help further your career/success. remember, your success is now his!
6. Think & sometimes use common sense
yes, its true. Almost anything, any situation could get better if only you could do the common sensible thing rather than the impulsive one you generally do! THINK
7. Life is not fair, get used to it!
Stop complaining about it, stop hoping it will become fair one day, just stop.
It isnt. Now go do something about it!
Prabhjot is the Founder & President of Eclat Hospitality.
A hospitality trainer, recruiter & career coach he assists some of the best brands in hospitality.
You can write to him at p.bedi@eclathospitality.com
His blog on career success is at http://www.myeclatcoach.com/
He also manages a Hospitality Career & Knowledge E-zine at www.hospemag.com
Article Source:http://www.articlesbase.com/motivational-articles/7-valuable-lessons-i-learnt-in-hotel-management-school-905678.html