Quick Question: When was the last time you stopped and acknowledged your achievements?
Was it today? If so, Congratulations as you are among a small minority. If it has been awhile, than now is the time to stop and acknowledge your greatness, your successes no matter how big or small. Remember to stop feeling as if you need to keep ‘ticking boxes off your to-do list”.
This is not about being egotistical or ‘big headed’, this is about taking the time to appreciate all that you do. It is also a time to learn from not only what you have achieved but to learn from any mistakes and to ask yourself what you may do differently next time.
Here are three ideas on how you can begin to acknowledge yourself:
a) Blue Sky Time – when working with some of our top leaders, I would often speak to them about the ‘concept’ of blue-sky time. Blue-sky time requires you to take some time out each day (yep – each day!), away from any interruptions including phones, blackberries, emails ECT., and allow yourself to think about your day. Look at acknowledging what is going well for you, what successes you have had and if need be what do you need to do differently in any situation. What people find is that when they go back into their normal day they have greater insight and awareness around what is working well for them and what they need to do differently.
b) Celebration Book – Do you get great feedback from clients? Do you get great feedback from family & friends? If so, why not begin your own “Celebration Book” and surround yourself with reminders of your successes. Grab a journal and jot down notes/thoughts around what you have been doing well, put in your fabulous testimonials from clients, have your immediate family make notes in it for you. Place in it the things that remind you of your greatness, that remind you to celebrate YOU.
c) Work with a mentor/coach – Why, because in most cases this person will ask to hear about your successes and wins and then encourage/’force’ you to take the time to celebrate what you have achieved. No matter how big or small these achievements are. This is one person who is solely focused on you, your success and your greatness and will hold this vision for you.
Appreciating and celebrating yourself is a gift for you to open. Watch what happens when you gain these skills. Your life and your business will expand because these skills are infectious!
(c) DebPilgrim 2009
Deb Pilgrim is the Entrepreneurs’ Business Mentor. Deb’s FREE weekly Biz Booster Newsletter provides entrepreneurs with how to tips that will increase your profits, grow your business whilst gaining more time for yourself. To learn more about this how-to newsletter visit www.debpilgrim.com to sign up for your FREE copy. You will also receive a FREE copy of her ebook on Identifying your Ideal Client
Article Source:http://www.articlesbase.com/motivational-articles/are-you-ready-to-celebrate-your-greatness-1366748.html