Hi to all and its Christmas Eve..and all is quiet..finally!

Firstly may you all have a Great Christmas and a Safe and Happy New Year.

All my thanks to my fellow bloggers, students and followers who have been sharing this journey from total Kaos to now confusion on the internet. The last 4 weeks have been unbelievable in what I have learnt and the people that I have meet on line and more importantly the sincerity of others who have shown great heart in helping and supporting complete strangers.

The spirit of Christmas in both my mind and my heart is certainly still alive and don’t believe those who tell you that it no longer exists. The greatest gift is to give of ourselves without the expectation of material gain but in the pleasure of knowing that you helped.

There are a number of Universal Laws, which you may be aware of and certainly the Law of Reciprocity is alive and well…what ever you give willingly you will get back three fold…

What a great thing to have waiting for us when we least expect it…thanks to you all!

On the Blogging Front

I have been a little amiss in not detailing what Ihave been up to in my quest to understand blogging and how to build a network and build a list.. Over the last 4 days the plan has been very simple, as that is all I know at this stage…

1. Visit other Students websites and say…Hey…and hope that they will return the favour..

2. I am now officially on..Twitter…boy has that been interesting…it is so quick in people noticing you, not all good to be the way. I got onto the people that Alex Jeffreys, John Reece, Mike Filsame, and others are following and spent several hours going through them and  following them who have been in turn following me…pretty good stuff and inspiring to boot.

3. I am now on Technorati and have put my sites on this as favoured and also went to The Friday Report and favoured them, to get back in return…hey thanks to a tip off from another student

4. I am now on Delicious..and haven’t quite worked out how to use this yet..but I am working on it..

5. I have changed the blog around and added a MyBlogLog on to it to get some more interested people to register

6. I have made my first video and sent our a post on this…and will do a bit more of this on the Fortunate500 site about this.

7. Freebies is the next on the list and this is in progress to offer and send out as a special to social network

8. Keep going to set up the Social Network to make this the engine to drive traffic to my blog site.

9. Of course I need to finish my first ebook that is in progress…hope to have done after Christmas..

Well if that won’t keep me busy for a while I don’t know what will but there has been a lot going on and a lot planned. I have to say the work being done by Dean Holland, Garry Parkes, Nigel Yip, Gary Simpson has been inspiring and sets a fantastic standard to shot for because now I can see what can be done..where as before starting this course I didn’t know…

The gives me a good idea…in my next post I have a surprise about something I learnt recently about an experience model, which Alex was talking about in one of the calls I will tell you later.

Its late on Christmas eve here in Aussie land and time to wait for Father Christmas to visit, so I will sign off now and please all have a GREAT CHRISTMAS..and may this day last 365 days a year in your heart!!

Best wishes…Paul

