What is ethics? Though it cannot be defined exactly it can be said as the accepted rules set by the society for individual behavior. But this is very strongly dependent on the individual perceptions of the society and also the individual conscious. The influence of the society has a direct effect on the personal ethics.

Ethics can never be perfect. The ethics of one person can be funny and very brittle for another person. In general every person goes at any length to justify his behaviour based on set of principles and calls it as ethics.

Though ethics can be generally defined but practically ethics is very personal traits that the person tries to adhere to sometimes very strongly and most of the times tries to flex depending on the situation that he faces. Various happenings for the individual in his lifetime also has a very great effect on the ethics adhered and followed by the person.

There are many factors that has an direct effect on the ethics of the person. The various effect of morality, religion and peers also have an effect on the society. Individual ethics is also effected by other factors like

1. legacy or heredity

2. societal influence / expectations

3. workplace happenings

4. family pressure

Ethics is very dynamic and very fluid and very volatile. Ethics can change due to various factors.

As per the general perceptions of the society the following factors tries to increase the morality of the person and increases the level moral ethics he tries to adhere to:

A parental guidance

B religious attachments

C external good happenings

D genetic influence on behaviour

Similarly some factors also decreases the level of moral ethics

A desires

B materialistic possessions

C fame and being important

D external bad happenings

We can say that ethics is very personal and no one can set the rules of behaviour and say that these are the ethics to be followed. Even if the rules are set by the society they become fragile. Individuals try to justify the actions by interpreting the rules set by the society to their convenience. They set direct connection to the action with the rules set by the society. This raises the need for the numerous lawyers and advocates who thrive justify the action committed by their client by interpreting the rules set by the society.

The rules or the principles set by the individual will be more strong than those set by the society. The person tries to adhere to the rules set by him. Here comes the concept of motivation. A more motivated person will try not to deviate from the rules set by himself come what may. Self motivation is a very important concept in personal ethics. Of course this aspect is absent in the beurocratic setup of the country!!.

But here also the personal ethics has to be sometimes flexible like in the case of Yudhistira in the case of killing Drona. Also in the case of Krishna when confronted by the Bhishma in the warfront. But for the interference of Arjuna, Krishna would have deviated from his promise i.e. ethics. Very strong ethics with a little flexibility depending on the situation and the person makes a person happy and contended.

Here comes the greatest and the time tested set of rules presented by India to the Humanity. BHAGAVADGITA. Following the principles set by the god himself who says clear conscious is very important for being a better person, a human being can happily live ever and ever. Being stoic and not necessarily recluse with the principles of GITA the person will head to live a better life with eternal ethics.


Article Source:http://www.articlesbase.com/motivational-articles/ethics-what-is-that-1310157.html