As soon as one finishes his or her college, the desire to get a good-paying job starts. This is the time when expectations of self and parents start taking a new turn. This is also the time when many of us get their dream jobs while many others fail to find a satisfactory working opportunity. Through this article, we will find out why and how things do not work out for some of us.
Examination marks tend to mean so much for us. Whether it is engineering, medical sciences, accountancy, economics, or fine arts, the ‘cloud’ of marks just does not tend to get over us. But, are exam marks the sole criterion of a student’s real capabilities? No, so why there is so much fuss about scoring well when some students do not get well with exams and studies? If every one of us dream of bagging the first position, who will be second, third, and fourth? Not all of us can get the same ranks; rankings may be dependant on varying factors such as study preparations, actual understanding, and time spend during examinations, nervousness, and many others. Judging an individual by just three hours of examination time is disrespect to his or her talents. We really need to understand that and leave imposing pressure on the young minds, which are left with no option but to be made scapegoat of huge expectations.
In order to fare well at job interviews, one needs to prepare thoroughly for the same. A deep insight about the interviewer, the company, and any latest news about it must be read with a clear mind. It is better to rehearse an interview and make an interview questionnaire before sitting for it. The interviewee must be confident enough to speak up his mind and if there is something that is not known to him, the same should be communicated to the interviewer politely rather than trying to hide things by giving a false answer. It is best to speak less but speak qualitative.
Small and meaningful tips can go a long way in preparing you for the toughest examinations and interviews of life.
James McGlynn has been associated with many Youth-oriented NGOs and want to educate one and all about the importance of youth development.
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