Will It, Won’t It?…I Don’t Know..Please Help!!!
Right now we are in a break with Alex on Brainstorming Session 2, and thought i would quickly give you all an update on the session..
Like usual Alex is over delivering on this session, the advice is priceless..especially when you are the tortise compared to the other hares! There’s around 140 people on the call and as each student is talking everybody, and I mean everybody is having a look at their blogs and giving advice as to what they think works and what doesn’t in REAL TIME.
This advice is worth its weight in gold, so to speak..its fantastic and a little humbling at the same time, and of course Rome wasn’t built in a day..but it what we all need to get things moving and accelerating.
Well that’s enough for now..will give you some more of the info and points talked about for the students sites good and bad pointers soon..so don’t forget to come back or better still..
Plug in for the updates by subscribing to the RSS feed on the side there..
Talk to you soon…and have a great Christmas and New Year
Stay SAFE and HAPPY…Paul
Hey this is new for me, so look me up at Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/paulmracek
Hi Paul. .
Thanks for dropping by my site http://www.TheNetExperiment.com
Great to see you are being productive and using all your time :). . by the way. . i was just wondering how do you get that summary at the end of your posts (how many words, and how long) as well as how do get the shortened blog post, so it doesn’t show the whole post?
Love the fact you have a customised logo/picture in the address bar – how do you do that?
Thanks in advance,
Hi Paul,
Just listening to you live on the webinar call !! Well done on getting through to Alex and aksing your questions.
Can you change my Blogroll entry when you get chance to go direct to my blog rather than specific post as now?
Hi Paul:
Great Blog!!! I really like your theme and the layout!!! And, even though Alex said he doesn’t like it … I LOVE THE SNOW affect!!! 🙂
I was wondering, how do you get the picture in the little tab??? You know, the tabs that open a new browser? I hope you know what I am referring to LOL
Keep up the great work Paul!!!
Robin 🙂
Hi Paul,
I was listening to you on Alex´s webcast tonight and you mentioned that you were about to upgrade your WP to 2.7. the only thing I would say to you is be careful and make sure that your plugins are all up to date.
I upgraded mine last Saturday and the whole blog collapsed around my ears !!! I managed with the help of Hostgator to get it up and running again pretty quickly, but a right pain in the rear.
Best wishes,
Hi Garry..
Thanks for the heads up, woops made a mistake there and put the wrong address in…all fixed now..my apologies…
Your site is fantastic…you are doing things I am only dreaming about at the moment..got a lot to learn…and my foot is already flat on the floor already…keep well.
Hi Paul..
THANK YOU for the feedback..this is exactly what I was wondering and concerned about as I have had bad experiences before on this type of thing…even with internet security products as recent as last night.
Looks like I will have to tread cautiously on this in getting an update..
By the way was the upgrad worth it, are the new options and features worth the pain??
thanks & cya…Paul
Hi Robin…
Thanks for the comments and support, I have to say I like the snow as well..then again we don’t get snow for Christmas just SUN..so I think Alex is just cranky about being cold.
The information that you asked about in regards to the picture in the sidebar..I got asked before and have put it in as a post.
You can find it here:
If you have a problem please let me know, happy to help out..what goes around comes around as they say….have a great Christmas…Paul
Hi Dereck..
Thanks for stopping by and commenting..liked your site with the graphics..its a matter perception!
In relation to the little character in the web bar this is called I believe an Avaicar and is a piece of code that you add into the header.php.
I got this one from Matt Garrett at one of his websites called
http://www.blogtactics.com/ but if you go to wordpress.com site and do search on downloads you will find some others there as well …from memory…
I will go a bit more checking on this and get back to you if I find anything more…
Have a great Christmas…best wishes…Paul
Hi Paul
I like the improvements to your site!
If you want some ammo for your blog or newsletter, feel free to copy or link to my post about a central help blog:
(It’s not a commercial)
Have FUN!
Thanks for dropping by
Good stuff going on here!
Just followed you on Twitter
Hi Paul,
Great job with your blog, I like it, it looks great and is easy to read. I can’t believe how long the brianstorming session went last night, I was exhausted at the end of it and I’m sure Alex was worn out.
I’ve added your link to my blog roll and I hope you’ll be able to do the same for me. I also hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas.
Kevin Griffith
Follow me on Twitter: