True leadership is “Leading by Personal Example”

When it comes to leadership, one might think that it calls for a person with skills. Skills in planning, organizing, staffing, coordinating and reporting – function that describe the role of leadership assistance. Although these are important skills, leadership is calling for people with integrity, practical wisdom and “filled with the Holy Spirit”

Integrity: The first qualification for leadership. In the volatile climate of conflict and under the scrutiny of murmuring factions, administrative matters often turn into personal test of credibility and character. In these circumstances, leaders are visible and vulnerable.

Visible leadership is the leading edge of a true leader’s public witness, sometimes the court of last resort.

Practical Wisdom: The second qualification for leadership. Conflict create by self-interested factions are resolved until someone sees the “big picture” and evasions what psychologists call a “subordinate goal, to lift the sights of the battling factions.


In fact, nothing happens in a meeting” until the leader” interprets the sense of the meeting” Even at risk of wrath, the point is well taken. Practical wisdom is the combination of intuition, experience and homework that sees beyond the factions of self-interest to a larger purpose.

Leaders who try to lead by relying only upon their own personal integrity and practical wisdom operate in a small shaky circle.

Holy Spirit: When the early church begins its executive search, only those who were filled with the Holy Spirit were eligible for election. Personal integrity is no longer a matter of rigid self-discipline or clever public cover- ups.

Consider Paul’s dossier in the Philippians letter, he listed his impeccable credentials that qualify him as a leader of leaders among the Jews only to disclaim them all in favor of this testimony: “not having my own righteousness which is from the law, but that which is though faith of Christ righteousness which is from God by faith” Philippians:3:3

Under the power of the Holy Spirit, practical wisdom also takes a transformed meaning. Not only does faith fill in the mysteries of the patters that are beyond comprehensions, but as James writes: “The wisdom that is from above is first pure, the peaceable, gentle willing to yield entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy” James 3:17

The qualification for leadership is now complete. Through the infilling of the Holy Spirit, you are call to lead with personal integrity and a practical wisdom that is not your own. The Holy Spirit is not a signpost that points” Go this way” he is the Shepherd who says “Follow Me” To lead is by personal example.


Carl Mathis: author of “Life is what you make it – seven steps to moving forward.”  Allow Carl Mathis to motivate/inspire you with his Christian words of encouragement. Go here now


Carl Mathis is a preacher, teacher, motivational speaker and author and has been involved in ministering the Word of God to all. The expectation that Carl has concerning his teaching is to  motivate and encourage all people to strive to do their best and not give up on their dreams. Go here now to get more from Carl  Mathis
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