Do you know what one of the best kept secrets is in public speaking? It has nothing to do with your material but is vital in your delivery. All the great speakers do it while many novices do not. It is easy to do and natural. In fact, you do it in normal conversation with your family, friends, colleagues and acquaintances and never give it a second thought.
It is called moving. Now you may be questioning what moving has to do with public speaking. Everything. Moving is important for several reasons.
Standing immobile creates tension in your body. Public speaking comes with enough stress. Moving allows your body to release the stress or the tension.
In conjunction with releasing your stress, I still want you nervous. How are those two conditions possible? By taking control of your nervousness and putting it to good use. This should be one of your goals in any form of public speaking. If you do not move, your nervousness is guaranteed to be in control of you. Even if you are standing behind a lectern, you can move, shifting your weight from one leg to another, using your arms and your hands to support the expression in your voice, and even turning your head so that you can address those on your right side and your left, instead of focusing just on the center of the room.
If you move, you stand a better chance of keeping your audience focused on you. Those who stand immobile, with nary a muscle moving, find it much more difficult to keep their listener’s attention. Watching a frozen statue is not quite as interesting as following speakers who walk on stage, use their hands in speaking, and express themselves by means of their vocal variety, facial expression and body language. If you are standing perfectly still, it is likely that your facial expression and body language will be non-existent. If such is the case, your audience is in for a sleeper.
You will look natural if you move. The only difference between public speaking and talking to your friends, family or colleagues is the formality of the situation. If you watch the professionals, you will see that those you excel in public speaking move, are animated, and use their body, their face and their voice to express themselves.
By treating your audience like you are having a conversation, you will move. It is a guarantee and one of the best tips you will learn in your search for dynamic presentation skills.
The Voice Lady Nancy Daniels offers private, corporate and group workshops in voice and presentation skills as well as Voicing It!, the only video training program on voice improvement. To see how voice training can improve your presentation skills, visit Voice Dynamic.
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