Copyright (c) 2010 Dawn McIntyre
Giving and receiving seem easy enough to do, right? But, have you ever had trouble receiving a blessing from others like a compliment or generous gift? Do you sometimes allow your schedule to become so hectic that you neglect to give time and resources to those less fortunate than you? What about when your life is not progressing as planned, do you trust in the process? In all these areas, I want to propose is a life of living in the present, where we consciously meditate on living a life free of fear and full of trust. Let me give you a visual to clarify this proposed way of life. I’ll call it the “open-hand lifestyle.”
To live an open-hand lifestyle means that you are:
1. Willing to say yes to the blessings bestowed upon you
2. Trusting in the fact that God is in control of the blessings you currently have
3. Generous in your willingness to share and give blessings to others
First, saying “yes” to the blessings that are bestowed upon you means that you are willing to accept love. Sounds easy, right? Not always and not for everyone. How do you respond to someone when they give you a genuine compliment, or offer you a thoughtful gift? Do you graciously accept their love and thank them in return, or do you fight them on it, insisting that your hair couldn’t possibly look that good or that they really shouldn’t have given you that present? Don’t be afraid to accept blessings from others. Keep that hand open to those fulfilling opportunities that come your way, and believe that you deserve to receive love from others.
Second, someone who lives with their hand open is trusting God with the blessings she currently has. She knows that the blessings she has are not hers to begin with. Rather, they originate from a powerful and loving God, who knows what is best for her better than she does. Therefore, this person does not live with a fearful clenched fist, fearfully attempting to gain control, but rather, an open hand that is trusting when desires and dreams may not work out as hoped or expected. She trusts that God has something better planned and she keeps her hands open, letting that go, and waiting for an even better opportunity or outcome.
Finally, a woman who lives an open-hand lifestyle has a heart of sharing and giving. Instead of clenching her possessions, talents, time and resources for herself, she extends a generous heart to others. This giving can come in the form of charitable donations, devoted support of those less fortunate and many other selfless acts of kindness. The open hand of giving reflects a heart of community and willingness o grasp another’s hand in yours to express genuine care give help when needed. After all, those who give are those who receive in return.
The heart of a woman who has an open hand is one that radiates peace, joy and confidence. I know that you can achieve this perspective, and that you will gain much from this type of lifestyle. Even better, those around you will benefit greatly as well. Once you are filled up with love and trust, you’ll be overflowing and pour out upon those who need the same in their hearts as well. Now, open your palms, raise your hands to the heavens and start really living!
Dawn McIntyre, Professional Spiritual Intuitive, is an expert in leading men and women into higher states of expansion and beauty consciousness. Join her on the Boldly Beautiful exclusive member’s community at for daily interaction and guidance in manifesting your beautiful life, from the inside out.
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