Are you ready to Celebrate your Greatness

Quick Question:  When was the last time you stopped and acknowledged your achievements?   Was it today?  If so, Congratulations as you are among a small minority.  If it has been awhile, than now is the time to stop and acknowledge your greatness, your successes no...

Would You Like To Stop Procrastinating?

We all procrastinate over some things in life. I myself spent a couple of hours today procrastinating about a short trip to the market to get some necessities. Necessity eventually overcame my reluctance to take that trip, when my stomach began to grumble about being...

Fear of Failure

Fear of Failure! Are you feeding your fear or your faith? There is a statement that states, What we feed will grow. If we feed on fear we will live a life controlled by fear, if we feed on faith we will live a life in love and in faith. Fear of failure is a deterrent...

Secrets Of The Greatest Achievers

A 7th century Arabian genius once said, “Success is the result of foresight and resolution, foresight depends upon deep thinking and planning, and the most important factor of planning is to keep your secrets to yourself”. The name of this genius was Ali...