Signs Of Alcohol Abuse. When Use Becomes Abuse

Many people often wonder what alcohol abuse is and what the signs of alcohol abuse are? While most people will find that they do drink a single drink every night, they will assume that this doesn’t constitute abuse in any form. The truth of the matter is that...

Real Hope For The Future

Who Are The Shining Stars In Your Own Family? by Michael D. Hume, M.S. I couldn’t be more proud of my offspring – all of them – but since it’s her birthday today, I’ll tell you about my youngest. As far as I know, she’s not a...

Motivational Quotes To Get You Through Tough Times

It may take some digging to find the right motivational quotes to get you through tough times. For any phrase to hold relevance, the words must touch a special place within your consciousness. One sentence repeated as needed can counteract a number of issues that may...

Are You Ready To Stop A Marijuana Habit

There are several ways to stop smoking weed. However, the most important first step is to acknowledge the problem. Without taking this crucial step of making a decision to stop smoking weed once and for all, they will have a hard time implementing the different ways...