PERCEPTION – a Social Experiment

Startling observations – a true story. Washington, DC – Metro Station. On a cold January morning in 2007, the man with a violin played six Bach pieces for about 45 minutes. During that time approximately 2 thousand people went through the station, most of them...

The Gift of Receiving

Notes from Janey . . . Recently, we were at a holiday gathering. The house was immaculate. The food superb. The guest list fascinating. The hostess was gracious and beautiful with everything under control and apparently running smoothly. After dinner I found myself...

Before I Die

Notes from Janey . . . Tupelo and I are in Mexico on a second-class train streaking down through the Copper Canyon. But we’re not inside the stifling passenger car, sitting on torn seats with our shoes sticking to the grimy floor and looking out a smudged window. No....