Defeating Procrastination – A Review

Procrastinating had been a way of life for me until I discovered an awesome self-help website called Defeating Procrastination.  I put off everything I ever had to do which only ended up causing me undo stress in every aspect of my life. I had wanted to start my own...

How to acquire confidence and self-esteem

  In matters relating to the mind, not everything can be subjected to scientific examination. Self esteem and confidence are about having a belief, a faith in our own ability confidence is a trait that is discovered, developed and then shared with others. The greatest...

Create an Effective Personal Development Plan

Personal development plan is like a map that will direct you to where you want to go. You have to know exactly what you want to be and how you plan to achieve it, through a personal development plan, is definitely a serious issue. If you create a personal development...

Shir ha-Shirim II: Fueling Our Work With Aspiration

Another explanation, “Do you see a man diligent in his business,” this applies to Moshe our master, in connection with the work of the Mishkan. Therefore, “he shall stand before kings,” the king is Pharoah, as it says, “Rise up early in...

Top Tips to Make the Best Personal Development Plan

Have you ever thought which the most important thing is that is required to become successful in life? There are various things that might come to your mind at this point of time. Among the various other things self improvement is the key to success.This is an...