Well what do I say except thank you Tim! – Three Toe Crow!
I was one of the lucky ones to get in quickly and take up the offer from Tim Buttles for having an ebook cover done when he made the offer a few weeks ago.
Even though we are on opposite ends of the earth..USA and Australia..Tim managed to do a complete makeover on my ebook cover in next to no time. Three Toe Crow (Tim Buttles in disguise) was able to take my ramblings and babbling and make coherent sense of what I thought I wanted and came up with a design that just blew me away.
Being creative I have to say for artistic designs is not one of my strengths and the inital cover I did myself was a bit dull and I always felt that it needed something different but wasn’t sure how to go about it..This is where Tim came in and has gone well above my expectations…so go over and look him up and see what he can do for you…I can HIGHLY RECOMMEND his work..
Click the link here and have a chat with him: Tim Buttles – Alias Three Toe Crow
I will be updating this blog with a new look and new colours shortly and will be re-launching the ebook then but in the mean time you can see Tim’s work below…once again thanks time.
Best wishes to all….Paul Mracek
Hey Paul, not sure if me met yet. My name is Vince,
I am the guy giving away word press videos and Camstudio software for free to help every one out. Well
I just wanted to share something special with you
and Alex’s students – my friends.
Read on…
The last few weeks I have been working on something very special and I am involving all the members of ALEX’S mentor program – more
about this later
My partner and I designed social media software to help every business on the internet such as marketers, retailers,
service and membership sites.
My story below!
Vince here,
We are designing a new viral way to market on the internet. My partner jay is one of the top code writes in the world and he has helped me design something very special for every entrepreneur on the internet. This is not just for marketers.
This new software will work with any kind of retail site, membership site, Service site – virtually any kind of site on the internet. Read below what it can do for you and your business…
Free Version,
My partner Jay and I (Vince) have been very busy designing a new software.
This is going to be a very powerful way to communicate on the internet with all your friends.
Example when you click on this icon your destination and url will be sent to the social media site.
So if you are on a product page, squeeze page or website or blog and click on the icon – you will be seen by everyone you know and the url of the site you are on.
This is were it gets really sweet,
This is going to change the way people market and sell products on line.
The Pro version will have all the features of the free version and more.
You will be able to see all your friends, communicate with them and broadcast to them.
You will also have complete stats of all your progress, sales, optins, leads, and percentages.
You will be able to have complete control of your visitor and send them were ever you want on the internet and their friends will see were their destination is. We are adding more features everyday –
Because we are one big marketing family – I have talked jay into giving Alex’s students a very special offer when this comes out. still a few weeks away.
Alex jeffrey’s and Andrew Fox will have the first exclusive marketing rights to this new software. Then it will go live on click bank.
More on my blog in coming days.
I will keep you in touch,
Vince Craine
VMC Marketing
Hi Paul
Great Blog good content. I NEED SOME HELP My Friend! Have you ever heard of Maverick Money Maker, because it seems to be a good affiliate program? But have you heard of it or know of anyone involved or got any advice one way or the other? I don’t want to promote something that doesn’t deliver. So I thought I would ask some of the students.
Thanks Dave O
PS If you know about them leave a comment on my blog.
Hi Dave,
Thanks for the comments and unfortunately no I have not heard of Maverick Money Maker..nor can I give you any suggestions as to who has used it in before. The only people I can suggest is Erwin Chua or JT Martin then seem to be pretty plugged in with what is going on around the place..and also Thomas Northrop.
Hope that helps..Paul
Hey Paul,
Are you O.K?
Your last Twitter seems to be over 40 days old and you’ve not posted for a while?
You seemed really enthusiastic about your book cover. Are you into new things?